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Lagan History Zone |
This is your Year 8 History Google Classroom
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CAN YOU BEAT THE KAHOOT CHALLENGE?This revision Kahoot challenge is open to you from now until 12:00pm on Tuesday 3rd December 2019 Click on the picture or the link below The PIN is 0178370 CHALLENGE PIN: 0178370
30 Years ago this November, the world was transformed by perhaps one of the happiest events in History - The Fall of the Berlin Wall. This wall had been built by the Communists in 1961 to divide East and West and tear the city of Berlin apart. It was built so quickly that families were torn apart... even new born babies in some cases were separated from their mothers and fathers.
What followed was nearly 30 years of pain and drama. Over 100 people were killed trying to get across a border that was increasingly armed and deadly. It was only in 1989 that the wall dramatically came down in a series of events that would ultimately end the Cold War. Click on the brilliant links below to find out more: The Lagan College Year 13 History class had the immense privilege of meeting Susan Pollack and hearing her harrowing story of how she narrowly survived the Holocaust. Susan was a member of a Hungarian Jewish family from a village called Felsogod in Hungary. Her tranquil family life was torn apart by the rise of fascism in Hungary and the takeover of the country by the Nazis. Soon she was removed from school. Her family were made to identify their faith by wearing Jewish stars. They were transported to a Ghetto, a sealed in area of a town to force Jews within. She remembers her parents handing her a tissue filled with some of their gold teeth to throw out as they felt they would be identified wrongly as wealthy.
AuthorMr J. Wishart Archives
November 2019