This site is designed to help YOU. It contains notes, presentations, exam guidance and exam papers for practice. We want you to do your absolute best at History and we hope this site will help you in that quest.
To help make History even more refreshing and interesting, I have introduced a BLOG to the website. This will allow me to introduce any good History articles, videos or links which will help you understand History better.

This is a Great new way to test your revision! We have began to put the whole GCSE History course in Quiz form. This means you can look over and revise the different topics and you can then test out how much you have learnt through taking one of the quizzes. Even if you get a few wrong - a few practices will help to sort that out and consolidate knowledge. This section is Flash based at the moment so it may not work with some devices. Give it a few seconds to load up.
I am working on putting together interactive GCSE History timelines to help you understand the all important Chronology in your topics
I have started with a COLD WAR TIMELINE. Click the link to try it out (This will only work on a PC at present unfortunately as it uses Flash) |
The Year 14 class spent a great day in Dublin as part of their Partition of Ireland A2 course.
They completed a walking tour of the city, going round the major sites from 1916. These included the Royal College of Surgeons, GPO, Liberty Hall, Collins Barracks, Moore Street, the Asgard and Bolands Mill. The guided tour was superb and covered the full range of key events from the turbulent start of the 20th century. |
We have started our very own You Tube channel. We hope to use it to help source useful clips for your GCSE and A Level courses. There are already loads of different clips free to download. Use it to really maximise your learning. If you find something you think would be useful to include - just tell us and we will upload it.
BBC BITESIZE APP (GCSE)This app is highly useful, well recommended and it is FREE!!!!
Download the GCSE Northern Ireland Section. It will bring up key information as well as questions to answer from your entire course at GCSE |
CCEA History Guide (New Edition for the new course)This is the most comprehensive revision guide for your History course. It has lots of information and tips on how to answer questions correctly.

If you have any ideas of anything you would like included on the website just say at any stage. All comments are welcome!
A Note About Site Images
In the course of producing this website I have used many images to appeal to the students of the college. I have tried, where possible, to attribute photos. This site is solely educational and is of non commercial use. It is aimed at Lagan College students and is password protected to ensure only they can see content. One set of images in particular is widely used and that is Philip Martin's amazing images primarily for use with Young people. These are acknowledged under his license agreement for non commercial use: Phillip Martin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Copyright Disclaimer has posted the material on this website solely for educational and non commercial use. It is only for Lagan college history pupils. The site contains material extracted from various sources. I am trying to credit all sources used where possible and gaining permission to use the material sought from copyright owners, including any individual or group that may own rights therein where applicable.
Commercial use of any material contained on this site may not be made without permission. Please contact if you have any concern, objections or issues with respect to any material contained therein. Due to the nature of the material cannot always guarantee the accuracy of the extracted material.
© J Wishart 2019-2020
Copyright Disclaimer has posted the material on this website solely for educational and non commercial use. It is only for Lagan college history pupils. The site contains material extracted from various sources. I am trying to credit all sources used where possible and gaining permission to use the material sought from copyright owners, including any individual or group that may own rights therein where applicable.
Commercial use of any material contained on this site may not be made without permission. Please contact if you have any concern, objections or issues with respect to any material contained therein. Due to the nature of the material cannot always guarantee the accuracy of the extracted material.
© J Wishart 2019-2020