On an August morning in 1945 American planes left their island base on a mission which would change the world forever.On board one bomber was the most destructive weapon the world had ever known- the atomic bomb.
Two Japanese cities: HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI would be targeted and destroyed, in the closing days of the Second World war. The decision to use these devastating bombs was (and still is) controversial. Many argue the use of the bombs cut the war short and prevented the horrifying prospect of a bloody invasion of Japan and potentially hundreds of thousands of American, British (and Japanese) dead. Others see the dropping of the bombs as completely unnecessary. They believe Japan was about to surrender anyway. Some suggest the bomb was a political move to show the world (and in particular the USSR) just how powerful the bomb, and its owner the USA, were. Some believe the bomb was dropped to simply test its effectiveness. Others believe it was an act of revenge, following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour and subsequent cruelties of the Second World War. We are going to look in this section of the website at the some of the background of the Atomic bomb, the reasons it was dropped and the effects and impact it had. Watch this YouTube clip to witness the dropping of the bomb and its devastating effects |