If one thing stays in peoples minds regarding the Nazis, it is undoubtedly their brutal and terrifying treatment of those they did not agree with.
Over 6 million Jews were systematically killed in a thoroughly planned and evil way.
The Jews however are only one of a huge number of groups who suffered during the 12 years of Nazi rule. Political prisoners, Communists, Roma Gypsies, Homosexuals, Jehovahs Winesses Eastern Europeans even Disabled people all suffered and died in a way which would shock humanity.
The Nazis had many groups that did not fit into their ideal Germany and they set about to try and destroy them.
First came PERSECUTION... Then came GENOCIDE..
Over 6 million Jews were systematically killed in a thoroughly planned and evil way.
The Jews however are only one of a huge number of groups who suffered during the 12 years of Nazi rule. Political prisoners, Communists, Roma Gypsies, Homosexuals, Jehovahs Winesses Eastern Europeans even Disabled people all suffered and died in a way which would shock humanity.
The Nazis had many groups that did not fit into their ideal Germany and they set about to try and destroy them.
First came PERSECUTION... Then came GENOCIDE..
NAZI RACIAL BELIEFSAs we have seen, Hitler and the Nazis had extreme racial views.
Even posters aimed at children showed an 'aryan' ideal with blonde hair and blue eyes
Although the Jews made up the vast bulk of persecution and death in the holocaust, they were not the only group that Hitler detested. His regime was built on HATE and a racial HIERARCHY with the Aryan race at the top and others below. Some Hitler believed should be SLAVES while others deserved to be wiped out entirely. Try to remember 3 groups below that Hitler did not like.
We can divide the Nazi Persecution of the Jews into THREE distinct Stages. You must be able to know and understand these main stages of persecution from 1933-39.
RESTRICTIONSHitler knew he could not come in to office in 1933 and begin to kill those he did not like!
PERSECUTIONAs Hitler's power became stronger, he began to use propaganda and terror to make things a lot more difficult for the Jews of Germany.
Laws were introduced which actively PERSECUTED them. Persecution means treating someone badly simply because of their differences. Life was made extremely difficult. FACT: During the BERLIN OLYMPIC GAMES in 1936, the persecution of the Jews was reduced as the Nazis did not want Germany to look bad.
KRISTALLNACHT onwardsIn 1938 an event called the Night of the Broken Glass or Kristallnacht, signalled the beginning of the final stage of anti-Semitic treatment for the Jews.
Life for the Jews became very harsh. Persecution was stepped up. Events like the Kristallnacht saw synagogues burnt and Jewish businesses and homes damaged and destroyed. Jews were increasingly being identified and rounded up. World war 2 gave the Nazis the opportunity to enact the Final Solution - the eradication of the Jews from Europe. Europe's Jews were first sent to Ghettoes across Eastern Europe and eventually to Concentration camps where many would die in the gas chambers. This was one of the most horrific events in human history and is known as the Holocaust. Over 6 million Jews were killed. |
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warning: this contains disturbing scenes |
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